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Sergey Sukhankin

Dr. Sergey Sukhankin is a Senior Fellow at the Jamestown Foundation (Washington DC). One of his main centers of expertise is the emergence, development of and growth of the Russian Private Military Companies, including their operations in regional conflicts in East Central Europe (Ukraine), the Greater Middle East, and Sub Saharan Africa. In addition to (para)military compound of their operations, he also looks into the (dis)information as well as economic/business aspects associated with the use of PMCs. His project entitled “War By Other Means” informed the United Nations General Assembly report entitled “Use of Mercenaries as a Means of Violating Human Rights and Impeding the Exercise of the Right of Peoples to Self-Determination”. Throughout his career and work on the Russian PMCs he has consulted and briefed on the topic multiple state- and private bodies and agencies including, among others, the DIA (Washington DC), Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), the Department of National Defence (DND), the European Parliament (EP). His comments and expert opinions regarding Russian PMCs appeared in world`s leading information outlets in including Financial Times, POLITICO, BBC, Business Insider, The Guardian, The New York Times, The New Yorker, Stars and Stripes, VOA, VOX, Libération, Le Figaro.

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